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NgtTestBed is a utility from angular-three/testing that abstracts TestBed and provides a set of utilities to help you write unit tests for scene graphs built with Angular Three.


NgtTestBed exposes a single static method create() that accepts a Component class for the scene graph you want to test and returns an object with the following properties:

const ngtTestBed = NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph);
ngtTestBed.fixture; // ComponentFixture<NgtTestCanvas>; // SignalState<NgtState>
ngtTestBed.scene; // root THREE.Scene
ngtTestBed.sceneInstanceNode; // root Scene instance state
ngtTestBed.canvas; // the mocked HTMLCanvasElement
ngtTestBed.destroy; // method to destroy the fixture
ngtTestBed.fireEvent; // method to fire events on an element in the scene graph
ngtTestBed.advance; // method to advance the animation loop manually per frame
ngtTestBed.toGraph; // method to convert the scene graph to a simple object


You can customize the mocked HTMLCanvasElement with mockCanvasOptions. It accepts width and height as well as a beforeReturn callback which allows you to return a mocked HTMLCanvasElement before the TestBed is created.

NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph, {
mockCanvasOptions: { width: 1280, height: 720 }


You can customize the ngt-canvas via canvasConfiguration. It accepts everything that ngt-canvas accepts.

NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph, {
canvasConfiguration: {
camera: { position: [0, 0, 5] },
shadows: true,

Example Scenario

For the example scenario, scene, fireEvent, and advance will allow you to test the SceneGraph component.

  • scene allows you to assert the state of the scene graph
  • fireEvent allows you to fire events on the cube
  • advance allows you to advance the animation loop manually per frame
import { NgtTestBed } from 'angular-three/testing';
describe('SceneGraph', () => {
it('should render', async () => {
const { scene, fireEvent, advance } = NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph);

With scene, you can assert the state of the scene graph and you can do so however you want to. To keep things simple, you can try asserting that the root THREE.Scene has a child which is a THREE.Mesh

import { is } from 'angular-three';
import { NgtTestBed } from 'angular-three/testing';
describe('SceneGraph', () => {
it('should render', async () => {
const { scene, fireEvent, advance } = NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph);
const mesh = scene.children[0];
expect(is.three<THREE.Mesh>(mesh, 'isMesh')).toEqual(true);