provides a declarative way to manage selections of objects in your scene graph. It’s commonly used with postprocessing effects like NgtpOutline
and NgtpSelectiveBloom
to specify which objects should be affected declaratively.
is an array with NgtSelectionApi
and NgtSelect
so you only need to add NgtSelection
in your imports
array since these two directives are always used together.
There are two ways to use NgtSelectionApi
This enables NgtSelection
on the entire component; or in the case of SceneGraph
, the entire scene graph.
import { NgtSelectionApi, NgtSelection } from 'angular-three';
@Component({ hostDirectives: [NgtSelectionApi], imports: [NgtSelection] // for `NgtSelect`})export class SceneGraph {}
You can selectively declare which part on the scene graph is subject to NgtSelection
by wrapping that part with [selection]
import { NgtSelection } from 'angular-three';
@Component({ template: ` <ng-container selection> <!-- only objects in this container will be subject to NgtSelection --> </ng-container> `, imports: [NgtSelection]})export class SceneGraph {}
accepts a boolean
input which you can use to enable/disable selection.
With NgtSelectionApi
enabled, you now can attach NgtSelect
on any ngt-mesh
or ngt-group
on your scene graph; or part of the scene graph.
import { NgtSelection } from 'angular-three';
@Component({ template: ` <ng-container selection> <ngt-group [select]="hovered()" (pointerover)="hovered.set(true)" (pointerout)="hovered.set(false)"> <ngt-mesh> </ngt-mesh> <ngt-mesh> </ngt-mesh> </ngt-group> </ng-container> `, imports: [NgtSelection]})export class SceneGraph { protected hovered = signal(false);}
The NgtSelect
directive can be used on:
: Selects all mesh childrenngt-mesh
: Selects only the individual mesh
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, signal } from '@angular/core';import { NgtArgs, NgtSelectionApi, type NgtThreeElements } from 'angular-three';import { NgtpEffectComposer, NgtpSelectiveBloom } from 'angular-three-postprocessing';import * as THREE from 'three';
@Component({ selector: 'app-scene-graph', template: ` <ngt-color *args="['#0c0c0c']" attach="background" />
<ngt-ambient-light #light [intensity]="Math.PI * 0.5" /> <ngt-spot-light #light2 [position]="10" [angle]="0.15" [penumbra]="1" [decay]="0" [intensity]="Math.PI" /> <ngt-point-light #light3 [position]="-10" [decay]="0" />
<app-box [(selected)]="selected" [positionX]="1.5" /> <app-box [(selected)]="selected" [positionX]="-1.5" />
<ngtp-effect-composer> <ngtp-selective-bloom [lights]="[light, light2, light3]" [options]="{ intensity: 5, luminanceThreshold: 0.01, luminanceSmoothing: 0.025 }" /> </ngtp-effect-composer> `, hostDirectives: [NgtSelectionApi], imports: [Box, NgtpEffectComposer, NgtpSelectiveBloom, NgtArgs], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,})export class SceneGraph { protected readonly Math = Math; protected selected = signal<NgtThreeElements['ngt-mesh'] | null>(null);}
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, ElementRef, input, model, viewChild } from '@angular/core';import { injectBeforeRender, NgtSelection, type NgtThreeElements } from 'angular-three';import * as THREE from 'three';
@Component({ selector: 'app-box', template: ` <ngt-mesh #mesh [select]="selected() === mesh" (pointerover)="selected.set(mesh)" (pointerout)="selected.set(null)" [position.x]="positionX()" > <ngt-box-geometry /> <ngt-mesh-standard-material color="mediumpurple" /> </ngt-mesh> `, imports: [NgtSelection], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,})export class Box { selected = model.required<NgtThreeElements['ngt-mesh'] | null>(); positionX = input.required<number>();
private meshRef = viewChild.required<ElementRef<THREE.Mesh>>('mesh');
constructor() { injectBeforeRender(() => { this.meshRef().nativeElement.rotation.x += 0.01; }); }}