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NgtParent is a structural directive that allows you to attach a THREE.js object to an arbitrary parent that does not necessarily have to be on the same template hierarchy. This is most common when working with portals where you cannot control attaching logic of router-outlet


import { NgtParent } from 'angular-three';
template: `
@for (name of names; track name) {
<ngt-mesh [name]="name" (click)="router.navigate([name])">
<!-- ... -->
<router-outlet />
imports: [RouterOutlet]
export class MyCmp {
names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
template: `
<ngt-group *parent="parent">
<ngts-text [text]="parent()" />
imports: [NgtParent, NgtsText]
export class MyText {
private route = inject(ActivatedRoute);
protected parent = toSignal( => params.get('name')),
{ initialValue: '' }

How it works

NgtParent resolves the parent input to a THREE.Object3D and when it’s ready to render its template, Angular Three will be able to access the provided parent (as a THREE.Object3D) and attach the template to that parent, effectively portal that template to the provided parent.

NgtParent accepts:

  • A string: which will be used to look up the object with getObjectByName()
  • An Object3D
  • An ElementRef<Object3D>
  • or a Signal of all of these above

For the example above, when NgtParent resolves the parent Signal, it resolves via the name of the THREE.Mesh and will attach the THREE.Group as a child to that THREE.Mesh