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injectLoader is a utility function that helps manage loading external assets in Angular Three. It returns a readonly Signal containing the loaded asset(s) and handles caching automatically.


injectLoader accepts a loader constructor factory and an inputs function:

export class MyCmp {
// Single texture
texture = injectLoader(
() => THREE.TextureLoader,
() => 'path/to/texture.jpg'
// Multiple textures
textures = injectLoader(
() => THREE.TextureLoader,
() => ['texture1.jpg', 'texture2.jpg']
// Named textures
namedTextures = injectLoader(
() => THREE.TextureLoader,
() => ({
albedo: 'albedo.jpg',
normal: 'normal.jpg'


You can customize the loader behavior with extensions:

export class MyCmp {
gltf = injectLoader(
() => THREE.GLTFLoader,
() => 'model.gltf',
extensions: (loader) => {


Monitor loading progress with onProgress

export class MyCmp {
model = injectLoader(
() => THREE.GLTFLoader,
() => 'model.gltf',
onProgress: (event) => {
console.log(`Loading: ${event.loaded / * 100}%`);


Handle loaded assets via onLoad

export class MyCmp {
model = injectLoader(
() => THREE.GLTFLoader,
() => 'model.gltf',
onLoad: (data) => {
console.log('Model loaded:', data);


Preload assets before render cycle via injectLoader.preload

() => THREE.TextureLoader,
() => 'texture.jpg'
export class MyCmp {
texture = injectLoader(
() => THREE.TextureLoader,
() => 'texture.jpg'

How it works

injectLoader provides several key features:

  • Caching: Assets are cached using a Map to prevent redundant loading
  • Loader Memoization: Loader instances are memoized using a WeakMap
  • Type Safety: Full TypeScript support for different loader types and return values
  • GLTF Enhancement: GLTF models are automatically enhanced with an object graph for easier traversal

The return value depends on the input type:

  • String input → Single asset
  • Array input → Array of assets
  • Object input → Object with same keys and loaded assets