We’ll always need: angular-three
core package and the three
The easiest way to get started with Angular Three is to use the template repository
The template repository is kept up to date with the latest version of Angular Three.
- Install
as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev angular-three-plugin
yarn add --save-dev angular-three-plugin
pnpm add --dev angular-three-plugin
- Use a schematic / generator to set up
ng generate angular-three-plugin:init
nx generate angular-three-plugin:init
Code editor setup
comes with a web-types.json
that allows Jetbrains
IDEs to recognize elements from angular-three
. You don’t have to do anything to get this setup.
comes with a metadata.json
that you can use to setup
to allow VS Code
to recognize angular-three
{ "html.customData": ["node_modules/angular-three/metadata.json"]}
Neovim can set up metadata.json
via html lsp with the following options:
Specific setup depends on your neovim configuration. Here’s an example of LazyVim
return { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", opts = { setup = { html = function(_, opts) local util = require("lspconfig.util") local root_dir = util.root_pattern("package.json", "node_modules")(vim.fn.getcwd())
if root_dir then local metadata_path = vim.fs.normalize(root_dir .. "/node_modules/angular-three/metadata.json")
if vim.fn.filereadable(metadata_path) == 1 then opts.init_options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts.init_options or {}, { dataPaths = opts.init_options and opts.init_options.dataPaths or {}, })
table.insert(opts.init_options.dataPaths, metadata_path)
opts.handlers = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts.handlers or {}, { ["html/customDataContent"] = function(_, result) local function exists(name) return type(name) == "string" and vim.loop.fs_stat(name) ~= nil end
if result and result[1] and exists(result[1]) then local ok, content = pcall(vim.fn.readfile, result[1]) return ok and table.concat(content, "\n") or "" end return "" end, }) end end
return false end, }, },}
Auxiliary packages
Once you have angular-three-plugin
installed, you can invoke the angular-three-plugin:aux
generator to add the auxiliary packages.
npx ng g angular-three-plugin:aux
Compatibility Matrix