Level of Details
Managing mesh complexity based on camera distance can significantly improve GPU performance. The concept is straightforward: when objects are far from the camera and occupy fewer pixels, they don’t need to maintain high resolution or detail.
This optimization technique reduces the overall vertex count processed by the GPU, especially for complex scenes with many detailed objects at varying distances using THREE.js LOD object
Try the example below - zoom in and out to observe the automatic LOD transitions
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, input } from '@angular/core';import { NgtArgs, type NgtEuler, type NgtVector3 } from 'angular-three';import { NgtsOrbitControls } from 'angular-three-soba/controls';import { injectGLTF } from 'angular-three-soba/loaders';import { NgtsBakeShadows } from 'angular-three-soba/misc';import { NgtsDetailed } from 'angular-three-soba/performances';import { NgtsEnvironment } from 'angular-three-soba/staging';import * as THREE from 'three';import type { GLTF } from 'three-stdlib';
import bust1GLB from './bust-1-d.glb' with { loader: 'file' };import bust2GLB from './bust-2-d.glb' with { loader: 'file' };import bust3GLB from './bust-3-d.glb' with { loader: 'file' };import bust4GLB from './bust-4-d.glb' with { loader: 'file' };import bust5GLB from './bust-5-d.glb' with { loader: 'file' };
const positions = [...Array(800)].map(() => ({ position: [40 - Math.random() * 80, 40 - Math.random() * 80, 40 - Math.random() * 80], rotation: [Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2],})) as Array<{ position: [number, number, number]; rotation: [number, number, number] }>;
interface BustGLTF extends GLTF { nodes: { Mesh_0001: THREE.Mesh }; materials: { default: THREE.MeshStandardMaterial };}
@Component({ selector: 'app-bust', template: ` <ngts-detailed [distances]="[0, 15, 25, 35, 100]" [options]="{ position: position(), rotation: rotation() }"> @for (level of gltfs() || []; track $index) { <ngt-mesh castShadow receiveShadow [geometry]="level.nodes.Mesh_0001.geometry" [material]="level.materials.default"> <ngt-value [rawValue]="0.25" attach="material.envMapIntensity" /> </ngt-mesh> } </ngts-detailed> `, schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, imports: [NgtsDetailed],})export class LODBust { position = input<NgtVector3>([0, 0, 0]); rotation = input<NgtEuler>([0, 0, 0]);
protected gltfs = injectGLTF<BustGLTF[]>(() => [bust1GLB, bust2GLB, bust3GLB, bust4GLB, bust5GLB]);}
@Component({ selector: 'app-scene-graph', template: ` <ngt-color *args="['#cecece']" attach="background" />
@for (p of positions; track $index) { <app-bust [position]="p.position" [rotation]="p.rotation" /> }
<ngts-orbit-controls [options]="{ zoomSpeed: 0.075 }" />
<ngt-point-light [intensity]="0.5 * Math.PI" [decay]="0" color="mediumpurple" /> <ngt-spot-light [position]="50" [intensity]="1.5 * Math.PI" castShadow [decay]="0" color="mediumpurple" /> <ngts-environment [options]="{ preset: 'city' }" /> <ngts-bake-shadows /> `, schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, imports: [NgtsBakeShadows, NgtsEnvironment, NgtsOrbitControls, LODBust, NgtArgs], host: { class: 'lod-soba-experience' },})export class SceneGraph { protected readonly Math = Math; protected readonly positions = positions;}
provides the ngts-detailed
component to implement THREE.LOD
with minimal setup. Simply provide multiple versions of your model at different quality levels, paired with corresponding distance thresholds. The component automatically switches between these versions based on camera distance, from highest to lowest quality.
import { NgtsDetailed } from 'angular-three-soba/performances';import { injectGLTF } from 'angular-three-soba/loaders';
@Component({ template: ` <ngts-detailed [distances]="[0, 10, 20]"> @for (level of gltfs() || []; track $index) { <ngt-mesh [geometry]="level" /> } </ngts-detailed> `, imports: [NgtsDetailed],})export class Model { protected gltfs = injectGLTF(() => [lowGLB, midGLB, highGLB]);}