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When rendering 3D scenes, each mesh typically results in a draw call to the GPU. For optimal performance, it’s important to manage these draw calls effectively:

  • Keep the total number of draw calls below 1000. Aim for a few hundred or fewer for best performance
  • Use instancing for repeating objects

For example, a scene with 1000 identical trees as separate meshes would create 1000 draw calls. By using instancing, those same 1000 trees can be rendered in a single draw call, significantly improving performance.

import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, computed, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, effect, ElementRef, viewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { extend, injectBeforeRender, NgtArgs } from 'angular-three';
import { injectGLTF } from 'angular-three-soba/loaders';
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { MeshSurfaceSampler, type GLTF } from 'three-stdlib';
// # Flower
// Model by [Kenney](, from [Nature Pack]( CC0 1.0.
// Modifications by [Don McCurdy](
// - Split stem and blossom meshes.
// - Color adjustments.
import FlowerGLB from './Flower.glb' with { loader: 'file' };
interface FlowerGLTFResult extends GLTF {
nodes: { Stem: THREE.Mesh; Blossom: THREE.Mesh; };
const blossomPalette = [0xf20587, 0xf2d479, 0xf2c879, 0xf2b077, 0xf24405];
selector: 'app-scene-graph',
template: `
<ngt-ambient-light [intensity]="3" />
<ngt-point-light color="#AA8899" [intensity]="2.5" [distance]="0" [decay]="0" [position]="[50, -25, 75]" />
<ngt-mesh #surface [geometry]="surfaceGeometry">
<ngt-mesh-lambert-material color="#967259" />
@if (flowerGLTF(); as gltf) {
<ngt-instanced-mesh #stem *args="[gltf.nodes.Stem.geometry, gltf.nodes.Stem.material, 2000]" />
<ngt-instanced-mesh #blossom *args="[gltf.nodes.Blossom.geometry, gltf.nodes.Blossom.material, 2000]" />
imports: [NgtArgs],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class SceneGraph {
protected flowerGLTF = injectGLTF<FlowerGLTFResult>(() => FlowerGLB);
private surfaceRef = viewChild.required<ElementRef<THREE.Mesh>>('surface');
private stemRef = viewChild<ElementRef<THREE.InstancedMesh>>('stem');
private blossomRef = viewChild<ElementRef<THREE.InstancedMesh>>('blossom');
protected surfaceGeometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry(10, 3, 100, 16).toNonIndexed();
private position = new THREE.Vector3();
private normal = new THREE.Vector3();
private scale = new THREE.Vector3();
private dummy = new THREE.Object3D();
private ages = new Float32Array(2000);
private scales = new Float32Array(2000);
private surfaceSampler = computed(() => {
const surface = this.surfaceRef().nativeElement;
return new MeshSurfaceSampler(surface);
constructor() {
injectBeforeRender(({ clock, scene }) => {
const [stem, blossom] = [this.stemRef()?.nativeElement, this.blossomRef()?.nativeElement];
if (!stem || !blossom) return;
scene.rotation.x = Math.sin(clock.elapsedTime / 4);
scene.rotation.y = Math.sin(clock.elapsedTime / 2);
for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
this.ages[i] += 0.005;
if (this.ages[i] >= 1) {
this.ages[i] = 0.001;
this.scales[i] = this.scaleCurve(this.ages[i]);
this.sampleParticle(stem, blossom, this.surfaceSampler(), i);
const prevScale = this.scales[i];
this.scales[i] = this.scaleCurve(this.ages[i]);
this.scale.set(this.scales[i] / prevScale, this.scales[i] / prevScale, this.scales[i] / prevScale);
stem.getMatrixAt(i, this.dummy.matrix);
stem.setMatrixAt(i, this.dummy.matrix);
blossom.setMatrixAt(i, this.dummy.matrix);
stem.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
blossom.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
effect(() => {
const [stem, blossom] = [this.stemRef()?.nativeElement, this.blossomRef()?.nativeElement];
if (!stem || !blossom) return;
const defaultTransform = new THREE.Matrix4()
.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(7, 7, 7));
const color = new THREE.Color();
for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
color.setHex(blossomPalette[Math.floor(Math.random() * blossomPalette.length)]);
blossom.setColorAt(i, color);
this.sample(stem, blossom);
private sample(stem: THREE.InstancedMesh, blossom: THREE.InstancedMesh) {
for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
this.ages[i] = Math.random();
this.scales[i] = this.scaleCurve(this.ages[i]);
this.sampleParticle(stem, blossom, this.surfaceSampler(), i);
stem.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
blossom.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
private sampleParticle(stem: THREE.InstancedMesh, blossom: THREE.InstancedMesh, sampler: MeshSurfaceSampler, index: number) {
sampler.sample(this.position, this.normal);
this.dummy.scale.set(this.scales[index], this.scales[index], this.scales[index]);
stem.setMatrixAt(index, this.dummy.matrix);
blossom.setMatrixAt(index, this.dummy.matrix);
// Source:
private easeOutCubic(t: number) {
return --t * t * t + 1;
// Scaling curve causes particles to grow quickly, ease gradually into full scale, then
// disappear quickly. More of the particle's lifetime is spent around full scale.
private scaleCurve(t: number) {
return Math.abs(this.easeOutCubic((t > 0.5 ? 1 - t : t) * 2));
Credits: THREE.js Instancing Scatter

Setting up instancing can be confusing if you’re new to THREE.js. Consult THREE.js docs if you need help.